CHPD announce arrest made in police impersonation case

Complainant alleged to have made false statement about interaction with corrections vehicle found to have Haddonfield address.

The Cherry Hill Police Department’s Investigative Division has completed their investigation of a reported police impersonator on Aug. 16 along Route 38.

With assistance from the public, detectives were able to identify the Ford van which was captured by video surveillance in the area described by the complainant. The van was a federal corrections vehicle and the officers were on-duty and completing a prisoner transport at the time of the reported incident.

After multiple interviews with detectives the complainant recanted her initial statement and told detectives the entire incident was a fabrication. The complainant confirmed the officers in the van had no contact with her and no traffic stop ever occurred.

With cooperation from the Bureau of Federal Prisons the corrections officers were identified and found to have no knowledge of the complainant or her vehicle. As a result, the complainant was charged on a complaint summons for making false statements to police and scheduled for an appearance in Superior Court.

The Cherry Hill Police Department would like to thank the public and our community partners for the numerous tips offered in this investigation. The police department will continue to investigate all reported crimes especially those which affect the public’s trust.

Charged: Samantha M. Roman, Avon Road, Haddonfield, N.J. 08033
N.J.S.A 2C:28-4a Making False Statements

All persons charged with a crime are innocent until proven guilty in an appropriate court of law.


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