Whipping Cherry Hill Into Shape

Whipping Cherry Hill Into Shape

On Wednesday, Cherry Hill Mayor David Fleisher kicked off the “Healthier Together –Cherry Hill Mayor’s Wellness Campaign” to a crowd of more than 100 at Cherry Hill Mall.

The kick-off event marked the beginning of what Fleisher envisions as a series of monthly Wellness Walks at various locations throughout the township this year.

The Jan. 29 event was a one-mile walk around cavernous Cherry Hill Mall, considered South Jersey’s premiere shopping destination.

The campaign launch also came with a Wellness Pledge asking Cherry Hill residents of all ages, walks of life, and abilities to take control of their health by:

  • Becoming Active. Exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Eating Healthier. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and limit consumption of junk food.
  • Knowing Your Numbers. Consult with a doctor to understand your weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Fleisher invited Cherry Hill residents to sign the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign Pledge with the three-prong approach to a healthier lifestyle.

“As Mayor, I am committed to offering opportunities for Cherry Hill residents to engage in activities that support a healthy lifestyle,” Fleisher said at the event. “With this campaign, we are encouraging our community to get healthier together.”

On Fleisher’s side on Wednesday was his wife, Jen, his campaign co-chair. The couple led the one-mile walk around Cherry Hill Mall as the many dozen participants followed in tow.

“The Mayor’s Wellness Campaign brings our families together with the goal of making small changes to our health that will have a lifelong impact,” Jen Fleisher said in a statement. “I hope residents will sign the pledge and join us for the monthly Mayor’s Wellness Walks and other events to be held throughout the year.”

The mayor’s Healthier Together campaign is part of a statewide initiative of the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute and the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.

The campaign centers on four key areas: physical health and nutrition, environment and health, education and health, and arts and health.

Mayors Wellness Campaign Kickoff
Pictured from left to right at Cherry Hill Mall are Councilmember Jennifer Apell, Mayors Wellness Campaign Co-Chair Jen Fleisher, Cherry Hill Mayor Dave Fleisher, Jefferson Health President – East Region Aaron Chang, Council member Dan DiRenzo, Council President Bill Carter and new Cherry Hill Police Chief John Ostermueller.

Cherry Hill Township Council President Bill Carter, newly sworn-in Police Chief John Ostermueller, and representatives from Jefferson Health, the campaign’s premiere sponsor, were also on hand to show support for the campaign.

“Jefferson Health’s New Jersey team is excited to work with the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign to improve the health of Cherry Hill Township residents,” Aaron Chang, President of Jefferson Health East Region, said. “Our mission is to improve lives, and this partnership provides a unique opportunity to do so.”

Suzette Parmley
Suzette Parmley
Suzette Parmley has been an award winning reporter for both major American newspapers and online business publications for over a decade and a half. She was most recently Retail Reporter for Industry Dive, an online business news platform based in Washington DC. Suzette is a former Retail Columnist, Atlantic City Casino Writer and Trenton Statehouse Correspondent for the Philadelphia Inquirer. She was later tapped as New Jersey Supreme Court reporter at New Jersey Law Journal, Chief Cannabis/Statehouse Reporter for The Star Ledger, and Senior Reporter on Private Equity for With Intelligence in NYC. Suzette received a Bachelor's Degree in Politics from the University of San Francisco and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration/Public Policy from the Fels Center of Government at the University of Pennsylvania.

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