Gloucester County celebrates seniors at annual picnic

Release courtesy of Gloucester County:

The Gloucester County Board of Commissioners held the Annual Senior Citizen Picnic on Sept. 21 at Red Bank Battlefield Park in National Park.

Seniors were encouraged to wear their favorite Philadelphia Sports team’s gear with the theme being “Philly, Philly.”

“The Senior Picnic is always a great event.  The seniors have a great time, they dance, have lunch and learn about services and programs that are available in a fun venue. It is a true tradition in Gloucester County and it was important to the Board of Commissioners that we made the picnic possible in 2021,” Commissioner Director Robert M. Damminger said.

Director Damminger reminds us that in 2020, the senior picnic was modified for a safer, drive up option due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“Gloucester County’s senior picnic is a wonderful event that allows our seniors to meet new people and see how many services are available to them throughout the State,” Senate President Steve Sweeney said. “We’re always happy to be a part of it and are happy we were able to gather safely this year.” 

“Being able to join Gloucester County seniors for Senior Picnic was a wonderful opportunity. Hearing how special this event is to them reminds us why we come out every year to support and will continue to advocate for our senior population,” Assemblyman Adam Taliaferro said.

Commissioner Jim Jefferson, Liaison to the Division of Senior Services said, “Our staff services thousands of seniors a year and the picnic provides a day that is fun, social and educational. This year 1,400 seniors attended the event each year and it is great for everyone to see old friends and meet new ones too.”

At this year’s senior picnic served a hot lunch catered by Auletto’s Caterers. Vendors included Philadelphia Soft Pretzels, Mr. Softee, Tastykake and more.

If you’re a senior living in Gloucester County and in need of assistance, please reach out to the Division of Senior Services at (856) 384-6900 or visit


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