Township residents can now sign up to participate in the Citizen Fire Academy hosted by the Moorestown Fire Department and Lenola Fire Company.
The academy will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. on Monday, July 24, through Thursday, July 27, at the township department. Residents 18 and older interested in participating can apply on the department’s website at www.moorestownfirefighter.org. Participation is capped at 15 people.
“Demonstrations include advancing hose lines, raising ladders, vehicle extrication and forcible entry training,” said Lenola company firefighter James Carruthers. “These are real skills our firefighters practice weekly, so we are always ready to answer the call.”
On the first day, participants will have an orientation and get a tour of all three fire stations in town. Other activities throughout the week will include learning how the fire department extinguishes blazes, search-and-rescue operations and vehicle extrication with hydraulic rescue tools.
“Many residents in town don’t realize their firefighters are volunteer,” said Fire District Administrator Chris Chesner. “Our volunteers come from all different backgrounds and ages, so we’re excited to extend this opportunity to our residents to see if they have a passion for the fire service.”
Those interested in being considered for the citizen’s academy can apply at www.moorestownfirefighter.org/citizens-fire-academy/.