Burlington County Office on Aging staff coming to mall

Special to The Sun

Beginning on Monday, Oct. 7, staff from the Burlington County Office on Aging will be present at the County Corner Store in the Moorestown Mall on the first Monday each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to answer questions about senior programs, services and benefits.

Some of the services and programs the Office on Aging can provide information about include:

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  • Light housekeeping services and caregiver respite for qualifying families
  • In-home health aide services
  • Physical fitness programs for seniors
  • Meals on Wheels and congregate nutrition sites for seniors
  • Home security inspections and assistance from the Burlington County Sheriff’s Office

Burlington County residents can also access more information about these, and other services seniors may be eligible to receive from the Burlington County Office on Aging’s Directory of Services. The 120-page directory provides a comprehensive rundown of services and programs for Burlington County’s seniors, disabled residents and their caregivers. It can be accessed online at https://co.burlington.nj.us/434/Aging or by contacting the Burlington County Office on Aging at (609) 265-5069.

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