‘Life lessons’ in reading

Library day emphasizes importance of reading to kids

Deptford Free Public Library. Take Your Child to the Library Day was founded by two Connecticut librarians as a way to emphasize the importance of libraries in the life of a child. The Deptford library’s version of the event on Feb. 4 allows participants to drop in and out from noon to 3 p.m.

For the first time in its history, the Deptford library will host Take Your Child to the Library Day on Saturday, Feb. 4, 

“Take Your Child to the Library Day was initiated by a children’s librarian in 2011,” said reference librarian Michelle Burns. “The purpose of the day is to call attention to the importance of reading with and to your child, and to remind the community that even in a digital world where it seems everything is available online, libraries are still important places.  

“Taking your child to the library and allowing your child to select a book, check it out, and then return it on time teaches so many life lessons,” she added, “and can foster a love of reading that will have many benefits as the child grows up.

Children who check out a book on the day of the event will also receive a free gift and there will be plenty of things for adults to do as well.

“We have never participated in this holiday before, but we have lots of fun things planned,” said Burns. “We will have comfy places to sit and read with or to your child, as well as tips for parents on how and why to read to your child.”

Since the event is a first for the library, an estimated number of people expected has yet to be determined. But Take Your Child to the Library Day is among numerous activities hosted by the library, including a LEGO club, preschool story time and a family craft hour.

Take Your Child to the Library Day was founded by two Connecticut librarians as a way to emphasize the importance of libraries in the life of a child, according to that state’s Library Consortium.

“I’m hoping some people who haven’t ordinarily come to the library in the past, come that day with their children to see all the fun things we have to offer,” Burns said.

Participants can drop in and out from noon to 3 p.m. during the Deptford library’s Take Your Child to the Library Day. 


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