With COVID cases on the rise as the Delta variant spreads nationwide, the need for virus prevention resources is loud and clear.
As part of that effort, Burlington County has formed a COVID outreach team that will visit each of its municipalities to provide resources and information.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cited counties throughout the state as potential COVID hot spots, including Burlington. The CDC recommends they enforce mask-wearing regardless of vaccine status, in the workplace, public buildings, stores and among those who work or attend school.
“The outreach team concluded its work on Aug. 31,” said David Levinsky, of the Burlington County Public Information Office. “Their activities were part of a summer outreach campaign by the state of New Jersey and several counties to ensure that residents had the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, available vaccine clinics and other coronavirus resources. This outreach also included information about rental and mortgage assistance, food distributions and business help.”
With more than 400,000 residents and half a million doses of the vaccine administered, the county now has just over 54 percent of its population fully vaccinated, numbers that reflect the work of the outreach team and the information it provides on vaccines, ways to combat economic hardship, rent and housing assistance and food.
In addition to the team’s physical efforts, the county’s health department has also provided information about COVID safety guidelines on its social media sites.
“More than 5,000 Burlington County residents were directly assisted or directed to outreach as a result of this public service.” said Levinsky.