The Jersey Gypsy in Pursuit of Australia: Taking a Tooheys Brewery Tour

Taking a Toohey’s Brewery Tour

Welcome to the Jersey Gypsy column, where our resident travel reporter, Valentina, roams the globe in pursuit of stories.

There’s nothing more magical for me than finding those little things that make each city unique.

Let’s face it – modern cities are all pretty similar in a lot of ways. You have your overcrowded roads, giant shopping centers, and overrated tourist traps. What you’ve seen in one place, you can likely find in another.

But each city also has its own hidden gems, those places that are unlike anywhere else in the world, the ones that you’ll immediately associate with one specific place for the rest of your life.

Tooheys Brewery is said to be one of those places in Sydney. If you know me, then you know the opportunity to unearth a cultural gem while drinking some of the best beer on the planet would be far beyond my ability to resist.

Why not grab a cold drink and join me on this journey?

Booking the Toohey’s Brewery Tour

My visit to Tooheys Brewery actually came about by chance and curiosity. My Australian friend (a big fan of Tooheys) shared with me a scheduled Tooheys site tour and onsite beer tasting. It was never part of my Sydney itinerary to do a site tour – after all, Sydney’s iconic spots already had my attention.

Still, I was a bit intrigued by how these malty and aromatic beverages come to life.

I’m a fan of beer, and Toohey’s drinks are definitely on my top list. However, I had never tasted Tooheys Old, the legendary 1869 Australian ale that replaced the imported English ones in the country.

With a little more encouragement from my friend, I booked the tour to Tooheys Brewery in Lidcombe, a suburb of Sydney. Eventually, I realized that trips like this are rare, mostly due to safety precautions and potential production disruptions, so it might be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me.

Preparing for the Tour & What to Consider

Taking-Toohey-Brewery-Tour_INT01The start of that day felt strange to me, but not in a bad way.

I’m more into nature trips or anything adrenaline-inducing, but I felt so excited to visit that brewery. Perhaps it was due to my fascination with beer or simply my complete cluelessness about what to expect on this tour – or maybe a mixture of both.

My enthusiasm grew as my friend and I made our way to the tour’s pick-up point around Barker Street. At this point, I realized that this was far from my typical heart-pounding adventures, as this one was more educational and laid-back but still fun.

Surprisingly, the attendees seemed to know more about what to expect from the tour than I did. But to be fair, many were students pursuing Chemical Engineering and other related fields. We easily got along with some of the folks and chatted while waiting for the bus, which didn’t take long to arrive.

If you want more Australian drinks, check out my list of speakeasy bars in Melbourne.

Taking a Toohey’s Brewery Tour: How It Went

Taking-Toohey-Brewery-Tour_INT02Upon arrival, we went straight to the Gate House and were warmly greeted by the staff. We logged in some of our identification details at the security gate, and they gave us some personal protective equipment (PPEs).

These PPEs are pretty simple to wear: safety vests, hard-soled shoes, head caps, protective eyewear, and ear plugs, which you may wear only in the production area.

It didn’t take long before they walked us inside a holding area where a staff officer gave us an overview of Tooheys’ history and company structure. I didn’t expect how lively the discussion went, albeit a bit fast.

Malt Delivery and Dry Goods Area

We proceeded to the surprisingly huge Malt Intake area. It’s quite confusing to see such large machinery and containers storing malt in preparation for the brewing process. The equipment’s sounds are loud but bearable, so we didn’t need earplugs.

The malts are stored in these so-called “silos,” cylindrical storage units made of stainless steel. These silos are gigantic, ranging from 30 to 40 meters in height. Different silos are used for different types of malts.

Near the silos is the Dry Goods area, which stores other brewing ingredients and additives. As expected, there are plenty of storage boxes, forklifts, pipes, drums, and packaging materials. One attendee asked how the staff managed such a bulk of materials, and the staff explained their rather complex inventory system.

Main Brewhouse Tour

I absolutely loved this part of the tour – it was where the magic began!

We stepped into the brewhouse, where the scent of malt filled the air. Here, gigantic mash tuns took center stage, mixing malt with water. I watched in fascination as they churned the ingredients into a porridge-like consistency.

Next up was the lauter tun, a crucial piece of equipment where the liquid wort was carefully separated from the solid residuals. It was amazing to see how these simple ingredients started transforming into something that brings so much joy to taste buds everywhere.

It was hard to keep up with the staff’s discussion of the brewing process as the vessels around the brewhouse are a marvel of engineering and sights to behold. Also, the toasty, sweet, and cereal-like scent of the mash made me crave a quick snack, but sadly, eating is prohibited inside.

Before we left the brewhouse area, the staff explained the boiling and cooling process of the wort before it was sent for fermentation.

Fermentation and Filtration

We then moved on to the next stages of the brewing process. The fermentation cellar is full of tanks and vessels that automate the biological process and the inclusion of yeast.

The brewer explained how they maintain the chemical structure through sophisticated manipulation of variables like temperature and pH levels. We then saw the filtration process that turns mature beer into bright beer.

Storage and Packaging Areas

We also visited the “bright beer cellar,” where the beer is stored before it is transferred into cans, bottles, or kegs. There is nothing notable except for countless pipes and tanks through which the beer flows.

Lastly, we went to the packaging area where we saw the beers turn into the beverage we all know.

Tasting Session at the Toohey’s Brewery

After that mind-boggling trip to Tooheys Brewery stations, we headed to the onsite taproom to sample some classic Tooheys beer. I’m no stranger to most of Tooheys’ products, except for their 1869 Dark Ale.

Fortunately, I got a chance to try a bottle of Tooheys Old, and it didn’t disappoint. It has a smooth, full flavor with hints of chocolate, biscuit, and nuts.

There’s a reason why this beer has stood the test of time, and this experience definitely solidified that.

Tips for Your Toohey’s Brewery Tour

Planning to visit Tooheys Brewery? Here are some of my suggestions:

  • Look for scheduled tours: Be sure to search online for scheduled tours, as it’s not easy to visit Tooheys Brewery on your own. The site has strict policies for tourists and visitors.
  • Prepare questions: To get the most out of your trip, think of some questions (especially about the brewing process) for the brewers and lab personnel.
  • Dress appropriately: Tooheys provides PPE when you visit, but it’s still a good idea to dress for comfort and safety. Wear durable, closed-toe shoes, and bring layers in case the temperature turns chilly.

Great “Behind the Scenes” Experience That’s Worth a Try

The Tooheys tour might have been an unusual journey for me, but it was definitely worth it.

It was a great addition to my Sydney escapade, during which I witnessed the behind-the-scenes process of making Australia’s finest beverages.

You don’t need to be a hardcore beer lover like me to enjoy the tour. As long as you have the enthusiasm to discover and experience something new, the Tooheys Brewery tour is one for the books.

Tooheys Brewery Tour: FAQs

What to Expect on a Tooheys Brewery Tour?

The tour is a guided walk along the production and storage areas of the Tooheys industrial site. It’s like a huge labyrinth of large warehouses, brewhouses, and cellars, so stay with the group and follow their staff.

How Long Does the Tooheys Brewery Tour Last?

It’s actually fast, only 1.5 to 2 hours. Attendees cannot stay for long as they might disrupt the production process. But don’t worry – the tasting session is a bit longer, and you can hang around with other attendees before leaving the brewery.

What is the Cost of a Tooheys Brewery Tour?

The tour cost me only about $35, which already covered the transportation and guided tour to the brewery site. Some drinks in the tasting session require additional payment, though.

Valentina Lopez
Valentina Lopez
Born and raised in Florida, Valentina soon realized that she was in possession of a boundless gypsy soul. While traveling the globe and experiencing other cultures is her calling, her true passion lies in bringing people closer together and helping them realize that the entire planet is just one big community. That passion, along with her love for the written word, made travel reporting a natural fit for Valentina. She enjoys nothing more than diving headlong into obscure cultures and communities, learning their stories, and then sharing those stories with the world. Of course, she also has her hobbies. These include exploring caves and coral reefs with her well-worn scuba gear, navigating backroads in search of hidden geocaches, and immersing herself in the nightlife of whichever locale she happens to be in at the time. (She also has a real weakness for games of chance, but that’s not the sort of thing you include in a biography…) As our resident travel reporter, Valentina is committed to bringing the culture of the world directly to your doorstep. Whether her writing inspires your next adventure or just puts a few faces to the unfamiliar, we hope her experiences and exploits light a spark of curiosity and exploration in your heart as well.

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