HomeNewsPalmyra NewsHeadline: The Sun is your news source ­– use it

Headline: The Sun is your news source ­– use it


The Sun

(856) 528–4993.

(856) 427–0934.


Those are my phone number, fax number and e-mail address.

Use them.

Use them often.

The Sun, after all, is your news source. By that, I don’t mean that we’re going to run 47 pictures of your dog every week. I do mean that The Sun will be a true community news source, reflecting the values, tradition and priorities of the people who live here.

Sure, we’ll report on all of the fun — and sometimes not-so-fun — things going on at the municipal building. We’ll keep an eye on the school district and what the local reps do at the county, state and federal level.

In other words, we’ll do all of the typical news stuff.

But, even though some politicians might disagree, the world does not revolve around government and politics — and The Sun will reflect as much.

More than anything, The Sun will be about the people who live here and make this community special.

We want to sing the praises of the “unsung heroes” in this community — the people who volunteer, not for recognition, but because they want to help their neighbors.

We want to shine a light on students — not only those who excel in athletics, but also those who are tops in the classroom, who hit the right notes in band and who shine on the stage.

We want to shout to the world that the local Boy Scout troop is holding a carwash on Saturday to raise money for a worthy cause.

We want to run a big picture of the local Realtor who was tops in his or her field.

We want to profile the local teacher who does all of the little things to ensure his or her students get the best education possible.

We want to celebrate the birth of a new resident, the marriage of current residents and the accomplishment (and these days it is an accomplishment) of those local couples who have managed to keep rings on each other’s fingers for decades.

You get the idea. We want to do a lot. But to do a lot, we need your help.

Some newspapers have community advisory boards — small groups of selected people that meet over turkey sandwiches every month or so to discuss the newspaper’s content, direction, coverage, etc. I don’t like that kind of community advisory board. Too exclusive.

So today I’m making everyone in Palmyra a member of The Sun’s community advisory board. I can’t afford to buy all of you a turkey sandwich, but I am inviting you to be a de facto co-editor and to help me and associate editor Emily Keifline shape this newspaper.

When you know of an important event, call Emily directly. Or, since we have a small news staff, feel free to send a press release and picture. When we do something wrong, or we don’t do something as well as we could have, don’t be shy about expressing your opinion.

You already have my number and an invitation to use it.

We are realistic. We won’t be able to make everyone happy.

But, with your input and assistance, I’m confident that we’ll produce a quality news source — your news source.

Tim Ronaldson is the executive editor of The Sun. He can be reached at (856) 528–4993, or e-mail at tronaldson@elauwitmedia.com.


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