For those that may have had trains as a kid, like to see a model railroads or are just curious and want to see the Burlington County Model Railroad Club layout, the club’s members during their open house.
The Burlington County Sheriff’s Department will be collecting and distributing toys for Jacob Foot and Associates annual toy drive between Nov. 1 and Dec. 18.
From Oct. 17 to Jan. 9, the Burlington County Health Department will be traveling around the county administering flu shots for the upcoming flu season, which typically lasts between late Oct. to March.
The event is open to members of the public that are interested in supporting the OTC’s mission to help individuals with disabilities reach their maximum potential.
Jeff Behler, director of the New York region of the U.S. Census Bureau, gave a recent presentation that covered the following topics: possible employment, the safety of the census, it’s level of difficulty and the overall importance of the census.
According to the Burlington County Silent Witness Project, the exhibit will feature speakers and a display of silhouette figures that represent local residents who lost their lives through acts of domestic violence.