Back-to-school pedestrian safety tips

Community leaders and safety experts are emphasizing the importance of teaching and reinforcing pedestrian safety habits as students return to their daily routines.

Here are some tips to avoid accidents:

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Make eye contact with drivers: This ensures that drivers are aware of kids’ presence and intent to cross.

Look left, right and left again: Children must do this before crossing astreet. Remind them to continue looking until they have safely crossed.

Stay focused and phone-free: Encourage kids to put away phones, headphones and other devices when crossing the street.

Use sidewalks and crosswalks: Emphasize the importance of walking on sidewalks or paths whenever possible and crossing streets at designated crosswalks or intersections. If no sidewalks are available, instruct children to walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible to enhance their visibility to drivers.

Supervise younger children: Children under 10 should always cross streets with an adult. Developmentally, most children under that age are unable to accurately judge the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles.

For more detailed tips, visit the Safe Kids website at :

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