Township officer promoted at council meeting

Report was given about current and incoming businesses


At the Washington Township Council meeting, Officer Justin Inman stands with his family and Washington Township Police Chief Patrick Gurcsik while being sworn in as a full-time officer.

Washington Township Council took time during their meeting on Wednesday, March 25, to promote township police officer Justin Inman to a full-time position within the department. 

“I am definitely very excited,” Inman said. “I have been waiting for this for a while and this has been the top goal for me upon entering the police academy in general.”

Officer Inman has been with the department for one year as a special law enforcement officer. After a year of hard work and dedication to the position, the department decided to offer Inman the full-time position.

After Mayor Joann Gattinelli swore in Inman, the whole room moved to their feet to congratulate him on his new position, council members included. 

“I am very excited to start this new chapter in my life,” Inman said. “Mostly I am looking forward to doing my job most effectively, helping the citizens of Washington Township. Hopefully in a few years, I can rise to the top of my department and get an even better position.”

Later in the meeting a report was given by Economic Development Consultant, Nancy Mazzachio, about the incoming and current businesses in the township.

“As we close out the first quarter of 2021, we continue to see a healthy number of business applications and openings,” Mazzachio said. “This quarter we are almost neck-and-neck with last year’s first quarter applications for zoning and construction, which was pre-pandemic. The word is definitely getting out that Washington Township is pro-business.”

She also announced Vision Solar, a solar panel company, would be hiring more than 1,000 new employees and that a workshop was being planned for current township businesses on March 29 via Zoom. Businesses interested in the workshop can sign up through the Washington Township O.N.E app.

In other news:

  • Washington Township Police Officer David Dlug was recognized as the February employee of the month by Mayor Joann Gattinelli and the rest of council. 
  • Boy Scout Troop 123 will be hosting a community clean-up on April 10, and citizens of the community are invited to join.
  • Cedar Lake is slated to open at the end of April. The renovated site will include a fishing dock and the township is working with Gaming and Fishing to stock the lake with fish.
  • The Washington Township Green team is working on a new sustainable art exhibit in the park for April as well as electric vehicle charging stations at the municipal buildings.  
  • The next meeting is slated for April 14 at 7 p.m.



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