April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month

CONTACT of Burlington County is raising awareness through events, programs

The goal of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month is to raise public consciousness about sexual violence — how to prevent it, how to take action to promote safety, respect and equality and how to support those impacted by sexual assault which (when reported) occurs at a staggering rate of 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men.

Since 1997, CONTACT’s Sexual Assault Services Program has provided services to sexual assault victims, including accompaniment to hospitals, police stations, and court, as well as counseling services, regardless of gender or time elapsed since the assault.

CONTACT also educates throughout the County in the primary prevention of sexual violence to help avert all forms of violence, in particular rape and sexual assault

CONTACT is organizing events such as Paint the Town Teal and other projects utilizing the teal ribbon, the symbol of sexual violence prevention. Other activities are planned to engage the community in supporting victims and raising awareness.

Pop Up Art Show

CONTACT’s Sexual Assault Services Program will be collecting posters created by survivors to display at their “Survivors Speak” gallery. If you are interested in submitting a board, email or call for further instructions. Boards will be displayed at

CONTACT’s Designer Handbag Bingo fundraiser on April 20 at the Burlington-

Riverfront YMCA.

Love Letters Lanterns

CONTACT’s Sexual Assault Services Program is collecting letters of support and encouragement to survivors of sexual assault. These “lanterns” will be displayed at various locations during the month of April. Letters can be submitted by mail or email. We will also be hosting letter writing sessions with community members.

For information on these and all activities, email [email protected] or call (856) 234–5484 ext. 210. If help is needed, call CONTACT of Burlington County’s 24/7 Crisis Helpline at (856) 234–8888.


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