Flynn became the fifth player in the history of the program to score 1,000 points in the Pirates’ game Tuesday at Pemberton Township High School.“Ever...
In conjunction with the Great Kindness Challenge, NAS held a drive to celebrate the service of Dr. Martin Luther KingThe New Albany School winter clothing...
Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced that a 34-year-old Burlington Township resident was indicted today on murder and weapons charges for fatally stabbing a...
Are you looking to advertise with The Cinnaminson Sun? Here are the people you need to know.Publisher / AdvertisingArlene Reyes: (856) 282–1347 | [email protected] ManagerBrittany...
Committee responds to public concerns regarding burglaries, sale of Garden State Inn demolition site to LidlFind out what you missed at this week’s Township Committee...
The special event will include meditation, yoga and an energy clearing workshopJust Breathe Spiritual Community Center will host an open house on Feb. 17 free...
Cinnaminson Police Department has increased patrols of several neighborhoodsCinnaminson Police have responded to three burglaries and two attempted burglaries to residences on Thursday through...
Participants are asked to register in advance of the Feb. 8 eventVirtua Memorial Hospital will offer free mammograms for uninsured or under-insured Burlington County residents...