HomeNewsMoorestown NewsMoorestown Religious Leaders Series: Reverend Ingrid Wengert

Moorestown Religious Leaders Series: Reverend Ingrid Wengert

Wengert is the pastor at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church.

As soon as the Rev. Ingrid Wengert arrived at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church nearly 12 years ago, she knew the congregation was special. After previously serving at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Marlton and Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Teaneck, she was ready for a new chapter.

“The people are very warm and caring,” Wengert said of the Saint Matthew parishioners. “I also love that there is an emphasis on worship, social outreach and education.”

Wengert was raised Roman Catholic, and although her family wasn’t over the moon when she started practicing Protestantism, they eventually came around and now fully support her.

“I was kind of like the black sheep of the family,” Wengert said. “We kind of debate and joke with each other about stuff.”

Being raised in Arizona, the Catholic masses were California-style and very informal, whereas on the East Coast, Wengert found the Catholic churches to be much more traditional and formal. She was introduced to Lutheranism by a roommate, and found it was something she really enjoyed.

“The worship service was very similar to what I grew up with … but there seemed to be a little more emphasis on God’s grace,” Wengert said. “That was kind of the main theme always. I appreciated that.”

Wengert earned her bachelor’s degree in logistics management from the Arizona State University and her M.Div from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. She served the New Jersey Synod as chair of the Burlington-Camden Mission Cluster as well as dean for the Delaware Mission District, and now serves on Synod’s ecumenical and interfaith relations team.

When Wengert arrived at Saint Matthew, she says the church was facing some struggles and conflicts she wanted to resolve.

“I think that they’ve kind of gone back to being a happy church,” Wengert said. “There are disagreements and debates, and that’s a healthy thing. We do so without alienating one another.”

The church is in the process of forming a green team Wengert calls a “stewardship of the earth.” It also recently finished hosting an intern, which Wengert says was very exciting.

Wengert is working with other religious leaders in the area to start an interfaith clergy group in South Jersey. There are Christian clergy, rabbis and one imam involved, which Wengert finds important as there are no synagogues or mosques in Moorestown.

“I think we need to intentionally reach out to other religions,” she said. “It’s up to us — especially Christian clergy — to help that happen so that Christians in Moorestown can have a chance to get to know Muslims better.”

When Wengert isn’t in the church, she enjoys gardening and hiking and is a self-proclaimed “podcast-oholic.” Her husband, Timothy J. Wengert, is a well-known author and professor in the Lutheran church and is frequently asked to speak all over the world, and Wengert enjoys tagging along. They are grandparents to 3-year-old twin girls from Timothy’s previous marriage.

“I never had children so I didn’t realize how you just kind of fall in love with these little ones,” Wengert said. “They’re just wonderful.”

Wengert says above all, her passion is leading worship and she always is sure pastoral care, such as caring for the sick, grieving and homebound, is carried out.

“I love planning worship and I love being invited into people’s lives at momentous times,” Wengert said.

For more information on Wengert and Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, visit stmatthew-lutheran.org.


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