The end of summer — and summer camp — can be a sad time for youngsters, but it wasn’t for those lucky campers at Evesham Township School District’s Teddy Bear Academy (TBA). The children celebrated the last day of camp with a luau that wowed all in attendance on Friday, Aug. 28.
“We like to bring in special events for the children, and the DJ is great,” said Evesham Child Care Coordinator, Leah Perlmutter. “They all love music and dancing.”
Children listened to kid-friendly tunes and participated in dance contests and the limbo for two hours on the last day of TBA’s summer camp.
The children were dressed in their Hawaiian best; some even wore colorful leis they had made in class.
The party was the culmination of Beach Week; each week at TBA’s summer camp had a special theme full of related crafts, activities, and snacks for the children to enjoy. Earlier in the week, the children learned to Hula dance, had an ice cream sundae party, and played in sprinklers.
“I just hope they have fun, especially since for some of them this is their last day with us,” said Perlmutter. “They seem so young when they start here. I’m going to miss all of their little faces. It’s always hard to let them go.”

Earlier in the summer, TBA celebrated its one-year anniversary and had its first graduating class, although the children still were able to attend the summer camp.
Owen Cunane, age 5, was there on the first day TBA opened and celebrated his last day at the luau. He will start Kindergarten at Beeler Elementary this fall.
“Today’s my last day before I go to Kindergarten. I’m going to miss all of my class. The teachers have to stay here and I’ll miss them,” Cunane said. “But I like the music, my favorite is the chicken dance.”
Cunane’s brother, Nolan, aged 1, will continue to rely on TBA’s child care services this fall, as will dozens of other children ranging in age from infants to five-year-olds.
A limited amount of spaces still are available for the school-year program, which already has begun, and registrations are currently being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until filled. In addition to contact information and current immunization records, a non-refundable $75 fee also is due at the time of registration. Tuition rates range from $303 to $1,100; detailed tuition information is available on the Evesham Township School District website at www.evesham.k12.nj.us.