With graduation less than a month away, Deptford High School seniors are up for adoption, an idea from last year’s graduates, who also ended their high-school years during a pandemic.
“The Class of 2021 wanted to give seniors another positive memory since we have missed out on a lot,” said senior Jocelyn Davis.
What adoption means is that baskets, flowers, and other gifts from the community will be provided on June 10, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., to students who will receive them after their June 14 graduation practice.
Davis is responsible for tracking who gets adopted this year. First, Deptford seniors are asked to fill out a Google survey of their favorite things through a canvas in-box. The survey includes favorite restaurants, colors, and college plans. Seniors then submit a photo, and Davis will record all of their answers. She posts the submitted photos on a Facebook page, and waits for someone to comment, confirming that they will adopt the senior.
“So far, we have about 50 percent of the senior class involved,’ said Davis.
Davis herself was adopted by her sixth grade teacher. Early on in the process, only one senior per person was permitted, but she hopes to have multiple adoptions. Davis, a class officer, and corresponding secretary got involved in the adoptions because she and her other classmates missed out on sports and other extracurricular activities during COVID..
“We couldn’t do a lot of the stuff we wanted because of the pandemic, so I wanted to make sure the seniors got as much as they possibly could,” Davis explained.
The goal is to keep the process going until June 10. When Davis spoke to The Sun, there were 220 members. As of the deadline, the page has 257 members.
“It’s cool to see everybody filling out Google forms and asking questions,” she noted. “All of the parents and peers, and other students adopting their friends, it’s so nice for those connections to come back.”
To join the Adopt a Senior 2021 Facebook group, and for more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/369445737744653