Kevin McElroy of the Westville Grove VFW gave a presentation to the Deptford board of education at its July 16 meeting on scholarships offered by the veterans organization.
Once the board approves the contests, students can earn a scholarship by competing in one of two essay challenges, depending on their grade. The Voice of Democracy contest is for ninth through 12th graders and the Patriot’s Pen contest is for sixth through eighth graders.
The former has a student write and record a video essay about a patriotic theme. This year’s subject asks the question, “Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?”
“It’s been going on since 1947,” said McElroy, of the Voice of Democracy contest. “If your child in Deptford Township puts into the scholarship at your local post, they can win a cash donation towards their education.”
Scholarships are awarded at the district level with a plaque and citation, at the state level with a $5,000 check and at the national level with a $35,000 award, according to McElroy.
The Patriot’s Pen contest also has students write an essay on a patriotic theme. This year’s topic is, “My Voice in America’s Democracy.”
“It’s very similar but different,” McElroy noted of the Patriot’s Pen. “At the post, district and the same level, it (the reward) is about the same for their education donation; they get a check. But at the national level, it’s only a $5,000 scholarship. Everything else remains the same throughout the state.”
Both contests will be judged based on overall content, originality, knowledge of the subject, delivery and theme development. The deadline for entries is midnight on Oct. 31. Each of the contests has its own application forms on the national VFW website. Individuals who want to participate can call the Westville VFW post at (856) 845-9875.
“It’s a great program,” McElroy noted. “You’re going against not only people at the state level, but you’re going against people nationwide.”
Once the board approves the contests, students will be able to compete when school begins in early September.
“I’d like to move on, in the future, to the relationship between the school district and the VFW post,” said Board President Joe McKenna.
The next board of education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 20, at 6:30 p.m.