Mantua Mayor’s Message for July 18

Dear Community Friends,

In the wake of the recent assassination attempt of Former President Donald Trump in Butler Pa., it’s even more imperative that we as a community remain united and steadfast. We can have our differing viewpoints, but there is no place for this type of violence and rancorous behavior in our country. We must stand together to unequivocally condemn all acts of this kind as Americans and as Mantua Township citizens. 

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We are truly thankful that Mr. Trump was not seriously injured or worse and is now on his way to making an apparent full recovery. Our hearts ache for the family of former Fire Chief, Corey Comperatore of the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company who was murdered while heroically shielding his wife and daughter from imminent danger. We pray for the two innocent bystanders who were critically injured, and all those who attended the rally and are now emotionally traumatized by this demonic act.

I stated this previously a few weeks ago, and it’s certainly worthy of repeating again at this time. My goal as your mayor has always been to represent every single resident with equity and impartiality, and to bring us together. To be great leaders, we have to have strong moral and ethical standards. Be able to make the difficult and sometimes unfavorable decisions, while putting personal feelings aside. That’s how this township committee has led over the years, and that’s how we will continue to lead during these most challenging times.

As a retired police chief, I wholeheartedly stand behind law and order in an effort to ensure optimum safety amongst us. Like the vast majority of you, I am tired of the vitriolic political climate at levels above us. There is no place for that in local government, and there is certainly no place for nastiness, divisiveness and disparaging behaviors here in Mantua Township. 

We are a tight knit community of family, friends and neighbors. Let’s remain optimistic and continue to work together for the betterment of our Mantua Township family. Let’s maintain our vision of moving Mantua forward with positivity and responsibility, and let’s stay honed-in on our little slice of greatness that’s within our own control.

We received a recent inquiry about the water filling station and water fountain at Chestnut Branch Park both being inoperable. Our park superintendent determined that the well water at the park had a peculiar taste, and he was having samplings tested to ensure its safety for consumption. The water at these two locations has been turned-off during this process.

The water samplings tested are producing results that are within normal limits. However, we are looking into a filtration system, and our plan is to activate both stations as soon as possible.  In the meantime, and for those that may be bothered by the taste, there is also bottled water available for a fee in the soda machine near the concession stand. Most importantly, with the extremely hot temperatures we’ve been experiencing, we encourage you to stay hydrated when engaging in outdoor activities.

Six-year-old Mantua Township resident, Maverick Hauss is learning the value of a dollar as he was seen selling lemonade and cookies near Main Street on Monday afternoon, July 15.  I stopped by during my travels on a hot afternoon to enjoy the delicious lemonade, and to support yet another young future entrepreneur from our community. It’s great to see so many teaching their kids the importance of earning their own money, and the value of hard work.

On Tuesday morning, July 16, Gloucester County Parks and Recreation hosted Lee’s Circus Extravaganza at Chestnut Branch Park. This was another awesome show for kids hosted by the county. I had an opportunity to see part of the program that included juggling, balancing acts and even jumping rope while riding a unicycle. We are grateful that the Gloucester County Commissioners move these shows around the county during the summer months to keep our children entertained free of charge.

On behalf of Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto and myself, and the entire Township Committee – we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership!  


Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS

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