‘Dare to dream’: Seneca High graduates 248 students

Courtesy of the Lenape Regional High School District
Seneca High School’s Class of 2024, the Golden Eagles, threw caps in the air – a timeworn tradition – after their commencement on June 17.

The 248 members of Seneca High School’s Class of 2024 are ready to fly as the Golden Eagles they are after commencement on June 17.

The Seneca Air Force JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) began the ceremony with a presentation of colors, and the Seneca Singers followed with the national anthem and a rendition of “Alma Mater.”

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Anthony Arden Fedeli, student council president, made the welcome address.

“I learned a lot of life lessons at Seneca,” he shared, including:

  • Embrace change. “The world is constantly evolving and so must we. Be open to new experiences, perspectives, opportunities (and) embrace the unknown. That is often where we find the greatest growth.”
  • Never stop learning. “Education does not end with a diploma; it’s a lifelong pursuit. Seek knowledge wherever you go, whether through formal education, travel or simply engaging with the world around you.”
  • Be resilient. “Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns. How you respond to challenges is what defines our character. Remember failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is a bridge along the pathway to future successes … Attack your dreams and don’t quit on yourself until you reach maximum potential – and even then, quitting isn’t an option.”
  • Foster meaningful relationships. “Never underestimate the power of human connection.”
  • Dare to dream. “Daring to dream is embracing the valor of a situation. It requires courage to envision reality regardless of doubts along the way.”

Fedeli was followed by Grace Ann Melillo, the senior class president.

Principal Bradley Bauer told the graduates that he started his career as Seneca’s principal the same year the Class of 2024 started high school and alluded to COVID.

“We embarked on this four-year journey together navigating the challenges and triumphs of unprecedented times,” he observed. “As if adjusting to high school and a new job wasn’t enough, our world was a different place. Our normal way of life was disrupted, bringing with it uncertainty, challenges and changes that none of us could have anticipated.

“At the time these experiences seemed painful, but ultimately they shaped you into a uniquely resilient class.”

Looking back at the past four years, the principal said he is “struck by the informative impact of the Class of 2024.

“You didn’t just attend classes at Seneca, you elevated our school with your curiosity, your creativity and your unwavering passion for learning,” Bauer noted. “Collectively, your academic achievements speak volumes.

“Earning over $80,000 in local scholarships, multiple students obtained straight A’s and many of them earned a perfect 6.0 for four years,” he continued. “We have a student who earned an associate’s degree, a perfect ACT score, and three students who obtained a full appointment to the military academy.

“Thank you for inspiring me, challenging me, reminding me why I do what I do.”

School Superintendent Dr. Carol L. Birnbohm agreed with Bauer’s sentiments.

“When I look at this class of graduates,” she pointed out, “I see a resilient spirit, commitment to each other, community and achievements.”

After receiving diplomas, the Class of 2024 Golden Eagles participated in the tradition of turning their tassels from right to left.

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