Mantua partners with Red Cross for blood drive

Mantua and the American Red Cross are partnering for a blood drive on Tuesday, July 9, at the municipal building.

The goal of the drive, according to Mantua Township Administrative Support Leah Clemenson, is to draw 74 donors who will collectively contribute about 48 units of blood. All types of blood are accepted, while there’s a particular need for O negative, A negative and B negative.

“However, the most important goal of this event is to educate our residents on the need for blood donations,” Clemenson said. “Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every two seconds. Mantua Township would like to play a part in providing those resources to individuals in need all across the United States.

“Every unit we donate at our blood drive can help save up to three lives,” she added. “However, our impact goes beyond the patient; it is multiplied by the impact it has on that person’s loved ones, who are thankful for the unit we donated.”

Clemenson helped plan the drive in remembrance of her 12-year-old brother Matthew, who died last August after battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia for a year.

“The township committee and I wholeheartedly support Leah Clemenson and thank her for taking the initiative to organize this year’s blood drive,” Mayor Robert Zimmerman noted. “Leah is an incredible team member who is determined to continually help others by spearheading this partnership with the American Red Cross on July 9.  

“We encourage residents to help those in need of blood by donating in remembrance of Leah’s brother, Matthew,” he added. “Throughout Matthew’s fight, the generosity of blood donors provided crucial support. By continuing this effort, Leah is honoring his memory and the lifesaving generosity of blood donors everywhere.”

The maximum number of applicants accepted for the drive is 74, with 16 of those positions already filled, according to Clemenson. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Potential donors can register for the drive by calling (800) 733-2767 or visiting, with the use sponsor code mantuatownship. Registrants will get a free Red Cross umbrella while supplies last.

“Mantua Township is committed to strengthening our community and helping meet hospital and patient needs through blood donations,” Clemenson explained. “This blood drive is our way of giving staff, residents, and individuals in neighboring communities an opportunity to help save lives.”


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