March 22-29
Happenings at Pinelands Library at 39 Allen Ave., Medford. For more information about the events listed call 609-654-6113.
March 22 – 10:30 a.m. – Baby and Toddler Time.
March 22 – 4 p.m. – Wii Bowling.
March 23 – 4-4:45 p.m. (15 minute increments) – Paws to Read with Winston.
March 28 – 4-4:45 p.m. (15 minute increments) – Paws to Read with Winston.
March 29 – 10:30 a.m. – Storytime with Mr. Rick.
March 29 – 4 p.m. – Teen Advisory Board.
Wednesday, March 22
Shamong Township is hosting the Burlington County Library system’s Mobile Learning Lab providing free tech help from 10 a.m. to noon at the municipal building, 105 Willow Grove Road.
Call to register at 609-267-9660 ext. 3075 or online at
Rent Control board meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., March 22 at 105 Willow Grove Road, Shamong.
Monday, March 27
Tabernacle Township Committee meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Tabernacle Fire House, 76 Hawkins Road, Tabernacle.
Tuesday, March 28
Metal collection in Tabernacle begins at 6 a.m.
Friday, March 31
Spring is near! As the seasons change, the American Red Cross is reminding the public that the need for blood doesn’t take a break. Blood and platelets remain at risk of running low this month. Donors are crucial to helping the Red Cross avoid a blood shortage in the weeks to come.
Donors of all blood types, especially type O donors and platelet donors, are encouraged to make and keep appointments to donate. Book a time to give by visiting, downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, or calling 1-800-RED CROSS.
March 31 – 2-7 p.m., Medford Lakes Colony, 79 Tecumseh Trail, Medford.
Saturday, April 1
Free drive thru rabies clinic will be held from 9-11 a.m. at Indian Mills Memorial School, 295 Indian Mills Road, Shamong. Dog licenses may also be purchased.
Monday, April 3
Spring brush pick up in Shamong. Brush must be bundled properly and put out by 6 a.m.