Library lecture series focuses on nutrition

Facility is partnering with Rowan health and exercise students

The township library will host its initial session of the Wellness Lecture Series focusing on nutrition on Oct. 13. 

The main speaker for the free event will be Rowan University junior Spencer Boschetto, who reference librarian Michelle Burns describes as “passionate” about nutrition. It was Boschetto who first contacted Burns about doing the lecture. The library is partnering with the university’s health and exercise students, who will volunteer to give presentations on a topic of their choosing.

So, I had this idea to pair up with Rowan somehow, and a friend of mine, we were teachers together a few years ago, is now teaching at Rowan,” said Burns. “I contacted her, and she got me in touch with some of the professors in the health and exercise science program. They are helping me by letting the students know about this opportunity.

“The more advanced students, like juniors and seniors, need presentation experience,” she added. “They need practice putting together and delivering lectures or classes. I thought that our patrons could benefit from their knowledge by allowing those students a chance to give a presentation. They get experience and something to put on their resume, and we get a free program that benefits the community.

“Hopefully, this can be mutually beneficial for the students and the Deptford residents.”

Though the lecture is teased as the first in a series, having more of them will depend on how many students volunteer to speak and present their chosen topic. 

I’m hoping more volunteers will come,” said Burns. “We will schedule these as the volunteers contact me, and the students themselves pick the topic based on whatever they are studying, or wherever their expertise lies. 

“Wellness is a topic in which everyone should be interested,” she added, “and about which we should always be seeking new information.”

The lecture will begin at 6:30 p.m. Keep up with the library website and Facebook page for information on new lectures and updates on the Oct. 13 event.


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