Post 452 hopes to raise funds at St. Patty’s Day party

All proceeds at the March 12 event to support local veterans

American Legion Post 452 will be hosting a St. Patty’s Day party on Saturday, March 12 from 7 to 11 p.m. The event will feature themed decorations and favors as well as live music from local cover band Faultline.

Located at 141 N. Main St. in Mullica Hill, Robert W. Mills Post 452 acts as the local American Legion branch, which aims to devote service to local wartime veterans.

“Our members take great pride in caring for the post and serving the community,” post adjutant Jack Sommer said. “We are committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.”

A $10 donation is needed to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the post, and all proceeds will go towards future improvement projects at the Legion Hall.

“The Legion Hall is a resource used by many groups and community organizations,” Sommer said. “The Hall hosts Red Cross Blood Drives and a variety of activities sponsored by the Harrison Township Recreation Committee, including chair yoga and strength training for 55+ active adults, Tumblin’ Tots and summer camps.”

This will be the first St. Patty’s Day party hosted by the legion since the pandemic’s start. Sommer admits that COVID took a toll on the post as the hall wasn’t available to be rented out during its peak season.

Sommer hopes that the party, alongside the current Challenge Coins campaign – where a $30 donation will offer a commemorative coin as a symbol of solidarity with Post 452 – will help revive the post during its time of need.

“Post 452 belongs to the community and to those we serve,” he said. “Our success depends entirely on active membership, participation, volunteerism and financial support. Fundraising is essential to the post as we strive to support veterans and the local community.”

For decades, the Mills Post has helped host events in Mullica Hill, from private rentals to community fundraisers. The post hosts Open Mic nights on Friday evenings as well as country line dancing on Thursday nights. For more information on upcoming events and how to become a member, visit

“We hope to add new members to grow and expand our outreach,” Sommer said. “Please contact us if you are a veteran and are interested in becoming a member or if you are a member of the community interested in supporting the post.”


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