Voorhees Township recently received the official data from the 2020 U.S. Census. The population of the United States is now 328,239,523, a 6.3% increase from 2010.Our town’s population grew by 6.5% from 29,131 in 2010 to 31,059 in 2020. Since the state issues liquor licenses based on population, this increase will allow the township to sell one more liquor license later this year. This will produce additional revenue for our town.
Other interesting information from the 2020 Census:
- Our population of children five years old and younger is 4.2% (6.0% Nationwide)
- Our population of residents under 18 years old is 20.1% (22.3% Nationwide)
- Our population of residents over 65 years old is 20.1% (16.5% Nationwide)
- Our female population is 51.8% (50.8% Nationwide)
Voorhees Township’s racial/ethnic breakdown:
White 61.6% (60.1% Nationwide)
African American 10.6% (13.4% Nationwide)
Asian 19.5% (5.9% Nationwide)
Hispanic or Latino 4.8% (18.5% Nationwide)
Foreign born 22.5% (13.6% Nationwide)
Voorhees Housing and Geography:
There are 11,014 households in Voorhees with an average of 2.56 persons per household, slightly below the national average of 2.62. Almost 88% were occupied by the same people for at least one year compared to the national average of 85.5%. The average travel time a Voorhees resident spends going to work is 34.1 minutes. The national average travel time is 26.9 minutes.
Voorhees Education and Finances:
High School education or higher 92.2% (88.0% Nationwide)
Bachelor’s Degree or higher 54.6% (32.1% Nationwide)
Median Household income $98,906 ($62,843 Nationwide)
Annual spending per person $18,087 ($13,443 Nationwide)
Much more census data is available by visiting census.gov.
**Our final summer series event will be a drive-in movie on Sept. 10. The PG movie Goosebumps will be shown on a 40-foot outdoor screen at the Voorhees Town Center parking lot. The movie will start at dusk and parking begins at 7:00 p.m. There will be food vendors available. No pets/alcohol/smoking/vaping allowed. Parking is in designated spots and space is limited. Lawn chairs and blankets are permitted.
** Voorhees Township is offering discounted tickets to Morey’s Piers in Wildwood. Tickets are available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office at Voorhees Town Hall. Prices vary according to the type of ticket and several options are available to residents and non-residents. For more information.