Catch up on what happened this week in Shamong.
Shamong resident charged with animal cruelty

The New Jersey State Police have arrested Donna Roberts, 65, from Shamong Township, N.J., for keeping more than 100 dogs in deplorable and inhumane conditions in and around her home on Oakshade Road.
detectives discovered 130 living dogs and 44 deceased dogs that were packaged in plastic bags and stored in freezers throughout the residence. It was determined that four of the dogs were in critical condition and had to be transported to an emergency veterinary clinic. The remaining dogs were evaluated and treated at the scene by animal shelter workers.
The full report by the New Jersey State Police can be found here.
Lenape and Seneca join together for their first Thanksgiving Day Parade

Lenape and Seneca high schools will band together to create a large ensemble and take over the streets of Philadelphia for the 6ABC Dunkin’ Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade.
The full marching bands from both high schools will perform the well known and loved holiday song “Jingle Bells” to millions of people watching from the parade route and on television.
The full story can be found here.
Ten students were recognized at this week’s LRHSD meeting

Ten students from Shawnee High School were recognized at this week’s Lenape Regional High School District meeting.
Students of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America organization, a national career and technical students organization that provides personal growth, leadership development and career preparation opportunities for students studying family and consumer science, were honored for their participation in a recent competition.
Emma Adams, Jordan Benstead, Morgan Broderick, Sarah Drexel, Meghan Harms, Alexa McClane, Grace McKinley, Paige Trzaskawka and Carrington Windl earned gold medals and Claire Hauser for earned a silver medal.
The full story can be found here.