Gloucester County Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger and Freeholder Heather Simmons announced that the county has been approved for a $1.7 million grant by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission using STBGP and STU funds (Surface Transportation Block Grant Program and Urban Allocated Surface Transportation Program federal funds) to replace aging video cameras at traffic signals throughout the county.
“This is a significant grant that will enable the county to upgrade its traffic detection cameras at many intersections,” Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said in a press release. “These cameras help us to make intersections safer through a variety of functions, including detection for vehicles in thru lanes and turn lanes at intersections.”
“This upgrade will enable traffic signal controllers to function more efficiently,” said Freeholder Heather Simmons. “The cameras that are currently in use were installed in 2005 and can no longer be repaired. This project will replace all of the aging camera units.”
Simmons, liaison to the Public Works Department, said that the funding would provide for traffic signal camera video detection upgrades at approximately 120 intersections throughout the county. The cameras do not record traffic.
The project will begin in summer of 2019 after all federal authorizations are granted.