Council has decided to cut $545,000 from the 2009–10 school budget.
At Monday’s meeting, Council passed a resolution that recommended the amount that should be cut from the budget as well as the areas it should be cut from. Council’s recommendations included cuts such as $20,000 in general supplies, $150,000 in staff and support salaries, $150,000 in health benefits and $40,000 in supervisor salaries.
However, Council is only allowed to designate the amount by which he tax levy is reduced — the ultimate decision as to where the $545,000 in reductions will come from in the budget is at the discretion of the Board of Education.
Council members said negotiations on the budget with the school board and administration were done “The Moorestown Way” meaning decisions were made collaboratively and cooperatively.
Mayor Dan Roccato did not participate in the vote because his wife is employed by the school district. The remaining councilmen passed the resolution unanimously.
Although Council had predicted they would introduce the 2009 municipal budget during Monday’s meeting, members decided to table its introduction due to negotiations with labor unions with that are still pending. Members said they are confident those negotiations could result in a material impact that will benefit this year’s budget.
Council members said they may call a special meeting, before the next regularly scheduled Council meeting on June 8, in order to discuss the results of those meetings and introduce the 2009 municipal budget.
Check a future print edition of The Sun for full coverage of Monday’s meeting.