Released by Shamong School DistrictIndian Mills School in Shamong recently participated in an “Artist in Residence” program, featuring resident quilter, Gabrielle Kanter, from Young Audiences...
Summer lends itself well to the Shamong community.From the Pine Barrens Festival featuring town-specific nights to the Fireworks Festival at Valenzano Winery to the...
The United Way of Burlington County has taken notice of Dr. Dolores Szymanski, interim superintendent of the Shamong School District. It is impossible to...
Seneca High School’s JoHanna Metzger’s was recently signed to play basketball at Neumann University in Aston, Pa.Photograph, Back Row: Jeff Spector, Seneca HS Principal, Sean...
Shamong is being invaded Memorial Day Weekend.Not by aliens. Not by pine beetles.Young baseball players from all over the Delaware Valley, from Pennsylvania to North Jersey...
Released by Lenape Regional High School DistrictAt its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 16, the Lenape Regional High School District Board of Education named...
A note from his parents, Joe and Lisa SchubertFor Ryan Schubert, becoming an Eagle Scout will be first of many great accomplishments in his lifetime.The...
The Still Family legacy will live on in Shamong thanks to some concerned citizens and students who wanted a monument built for Dr. James Still.Several...
Released by Shamong Township Schools.Lost at sea on July 2, 1937, Amelia Earhart has continued to be an enchanting historical figure. Known as “Lady Lindy,”...
Homeowners will not encounter a tax increase this year in Shamong, according to township officials. The 2012 Shamong Township budget was adopted at the...
The students in Michele Montrose’s seventh-grade language arts classes are bloggers, readers and emphasizers. Since the beginning of the school year, Montrose has focused...
Pine Tree Educational Center in Tabernacle will be bustling with young excitement during Mother’s Day weekend.This event, conversely, is all for the boys.The Burlington County Council...