In our opinion: It’s the season to help othersThe holiday season has arrived. And that means that many good-hearted people and organizations will be gathering...
Due to a wet forecast and dropping temperatures, the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders today declared that a Code Blue Cold Weather Emergency...
This Thanksgiving, the Burlington County Health Department is sharing tips that can take one worry off your plate: foodborne illness.“Food safety is a high...
More than 1,000 people — parents, guardians and other community members of the Lenape Regional High School District — received a jolt of reality and were brought to...
The Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Advisory Council on Women are accepting nominations for the 2014 Outstanding Women of Burlington County Awards.To...
Burlington County Freeholders announced today that they are partnering with Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey and Burlington County College to sponsor a county...
Monthly township committee meetings are often a time for new ordinances and legislation to be introduced and debated. The township committee in Shamong used...
Let The Sun know about your upcoming holiday eventsThe Shamong Sun wants to know about all that’s happening in Shamong.The Sun accepts calendar events, press releases,...
Volunteer Center of Burlington County wants you to share your family volunteering story for inclusion in the special edition of the volunteer center’s e-newsletter...
On Thursday, Nov. 21, the Indian Mills Parent Advisory Cooperative Team will present Ida Keiper and Jesemine Jones, co-authors of the books: “A Travel...