Moorestown Rotary Club’s Travel Adventure Series presents Hello Louisiana, a musical travel film produced and personally narrated by Monty and Marsha Brown, Thursday, April...
On Sunday April 26, Rabbi Harold Kushner, acclaimed author and lecturer will discuss “Living a Life That Matters,” in an interfaith seminar at Temple...
Cherry Hill residents have passed the school district budget.According to unofficial election results posted on the district’s Web site (, there were 3,606 votes for...
Voorhees residents have passed both the K-8 and Eastern Regional school district budgets.According to unofficial election results posted on the K-8 district’s Web site...
Moorestown residents have voted down the proposed school district budget.According to unofficial election results, there were 1,208 votes against the budget and 1,050 for it....
Members of Cherry Hill’s Senior Advisory Board had the opportunity to ask Gov. Corzine questions about the state budget and property tax relief during...
Thursday, April 23For ALLCezanne and Beyond — Trip to Philadelphia Art Museum: Depart JCC at 9 a.m. Approximate return- 4:30 p.m. $65 JCC members. $80 non-JCC members....
In this week’s print edition of The Sun:• Budget approved…finally: Nine months after being introduced, Township Council was finally able to adopt its $62.6 million...
By DR. FRED YOUNG All Moorestown residents who pay taxes and/or own their own residences, be prepared — in 2009 — for the biggest financial disaster of the...
In this week’s print edition of The Sun:• Budget doesn’t conform: Council asks for residents’ input to fix “unacceptable” preliminary budget numbers.• Tradition of...
Cutting the Ribbon at the start of The First Annual Walk 4 Family-Friends with Cancer are, from left, David Forman, Voorhees Mayor Michael Mignogna,...