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Heat advisory issued in Camden County

The Camden County Health Officer has issued a Heat Advisory for our region effective Tuesday, June 18 through Sunday, June 23 from 12 p.m....

South Jersey Rowing Club earns wins at nationals

Earlier this month, students from Haddonfield, Cherry Hill and surrounding areas competed in youth nationals with the South Jersey Rowing Club as one of...

Virtua expands mobile health care for kids with a new ride

Virtua Health plans to expand its support of needy young children and families with the introduction of a second, specially designed vehicle that offers...

Libraries partner with museum to educate kids on American Revolution

The Camden County Board of Commissioners is partnering this summer with the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia for library offerings designed to...

Carnival supports L.E.A.D. mission to stem drug use and violence

A carnival sponsored by the national nonprofit L.E.A.D. continues through Sunday at the Voorhees Town Center. L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence) began a...

Exploring mental-health issues among youth

To coincide with May as Mental Health Awareness Month, the Community Planning and Advocacy Council (CPAC) held its first summit on the current...

As summer approaches, casinos move the fun outdoors

Once upon a time in Atlantic City, the folks who ran the casinos were dedicated to keeping customers inside - and gambling - as...

Addressing food insecurity in the South Jersey area

Food insecurity continues to be a pressing issue for individuals and families in South Jersey and Camden County. The term food insecurity is officially recognized...

Hitting the road with a cell phone in hand can cost lives 

Pennsylvania will soon ban drivers from handling cell phones for almost any purpose while driving, a measure first introduced by the state's governor, Josh...

Sixty-nine police graduates heed the call

Sixty-nine Camden County police recruits celebrated their graduation from training on June 6 at Camden County Ccollege. The new officers are from the 87th Basic...

Celebrating Black freedom at local Juneteenth events

South Jersey residents are preparing to join this month's nationwide celebration of Juneteenth, a pivotal day in history and in the story of slavery. Juneteenth...

Where Haddonfield’s African Americans walked

Haddonfield will celebrate Juneteenth for African Americans with a walking tour on Friday, June 14 that will feature 12 sites with long histories and...

Haddon Township man charged with arson

A 42-year-old Haddon Township man has been charged with arson for allegedly setting fire to a vehicle at a Haddonfield residence last October and...

June puts the emphasis on cancer – and some concerning trends

Hearing the word cancer from a doctor hardly ever suggests good news. It's estimated that the number of cancer cases nationally will eclipse two...

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