Also, students raise funds for charity in light of the holiday season

Students in Washington Township public schools spent the week leading up to Thanksgiving by celebrating the holiday season, giving back and spreading awareness for charities and those in need. Also, the township gears up for holiday events. Check out some of the top stories from the past week in the Weekly Roundup.
Hurffville second-grade fundraiser yields $3,163.17 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Hurffville Elementary School second-graders proved the attitude of gratitude starts early in Washington Township. As a way to honor their classmate Mackenzie Heil, a cancer survivor who was treated at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the class chose the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as their charity of choice. They used a one-week “Bring the Change” fundraiser to collect $3,163.17 to donate to the organization. LLS representative Genna Toye gratefully accepted the donation during a presentation on Nov. 21 at the school.
“Gobble Up Hunger” event provides food for hundreds of local families
The generosity of the Washington Township public schools and the community in general was on display on Wednesday, Nov. 22, as the district’s “Gobble Up Hunger” campaign came to a successful close with student and adult volunteers creating food baskets for needy local residents this Thanksgiving.
The Friends of the Library to host Holiday Bazaar
The Friends of the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library in Washington Township will have their second annual Holiday Bazaar at the library Dec. 1 through Dec. 3. Hours are Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Wedgwood Elementary second-graders entertain, enjoy feast
Wedgwood Elementary School second-graders got an early start on celebrating Thanksgiving Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 21, serenading their families with festive tunes before noshing on snacks at the school’s annual Thanksgiving Feast.