Here’s a Letter to the Editor regarding The Sun’s recent story on the new Trailblazers Club at Voorhees Middle School.
Best wishes to the new club at Voorhees Middle School which has set as its first goal to create a trail from their school to the existing open space trail through the Stafford Tract.
I have one suggestion: All costs for this project should be paid through donations and fundraising activities such as car washes and hoagie sales organized by the club. No taxpayer funding should be used.
Just think of the great lessons the students will learn from this. Making a personal investment and not depending on government and taxpayers to pay for something you are passionate about. Learning how to market your idea to other “investors”. Witnessing the generosity of individuals to whom you have successfully pitched your project.
Lots of life lessons here for the taking, boys and girls.
-Tracye McArdle