You may have noticed signs throughout Voorhees with this slogan encouraging residents to assist our Police Department in preventing criminal activity.
Crime prevention is the anticipation, recognition and appraisal of a crime risk and taking action to remove or reduce the risk. If you see a crime in progress or suspicious activity, or hear something strange such as a crash, loud bang, or scream, you should immediately contact the Voorhees Township Police Department. Try to provide as much information as possible. In an emergency, dial 911. In a non-emergency, call (856) 428–5400. The Police Department’s Anonymous Crime Tip Line is (856) 627–7174.
Also, since this is a popular time for leaving your house unoccupied to go on vacation, our Police Department is offering a free security survey to all residents and business owners in Voorhees. Sgt. Bill Walsh, a 10-year veteran of the department, will use his crime prevention experience to educate homeowners and business owners of the dangers associated with crime and burglaries. Sgt. Walsh will meet with homeowners and business owners to identify potential security weaknesses. To schedule an appointment for the survey, call the Voorhees Township Police Crime Prevention Office at 856–882–1104.
**The deadline to submit applications for this year’s Voorhees Veterans Wall of Honor is July 31, 2015. Information about the Wall and the application may be found on the homepage of our website at www.voorheesnj.com or obtained in the Municipal Clerk’s Office at Town Hall.
**The next show in our Summer Twilight Series is Friday, Aug. 7, as Voorhees Township welcomes for the first time Good Vibrations: A Celebration of the Beach Boys. Good Vibrations blends the vocal layering and studio precision that is a signature of the Beach Boys with the energy of a live stage production. Elaborate lighting effects and costumes aptly frame the seasoned musicians who step into these very large shoes to render an authentic Beach Boys experience. The show is free and starts at 7:30 p.m. at Connolly Park. For more information visit www.voorheesnj.com or call the Show Hot Line at 856–882-SHOW.
**Voorhees Township will be part of National Night Out on Tuesday evening, Aug. 4, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event will be held at the Voorhees Town Center and will include members of our police department, including our K9’s, the Fire Department, the Department of Public Works, EMS, the Domestic Violence Task Force and Safe Kids New Jersey. The night will include activities sponsored by AAA, the Skate Zone, Lowe’s, Rizzieri’s, the Animal Welfare Association and more. An area will be set up for kids to see and sit in emergency vehicles. The Voorhees Town Center will provide a DJ and food trucks will also be on hand.
** Voorhees Township is offering discounted tickets to Morey’s Piers in Wildwood. Tickets are available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office at Voorhees Town Hall. Prices vary according to the type of ticket and several options are available to residents and non-residents. For more information about tickets visit www.voorheesnj.com.