HomeNewsVoorhees NewsMayor’s Column — How to obtain a birth certificate or marriage license

Mayor’s Column — How to obtain a birth certificate or marriage license

The Voorhees Vital Statistics Office handles the processing of birth certificates, death certificates and marriage licenses.

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is how someone goes about getting a birth certificate or a marriage license. The Voorhees Vital Statistics Office handles the processing of birth certificates, death certificates and marriage licenses. Besides issuing the documents, they are also responsible for the permanent archiving of these documents, some of which date back to the founding of Voorhees in 1899.

This department processed more than 6,000 birth certificates in 2016. If a copy of your birth certificate is needed, same day service in Town Hall is available. Simply show a valid driver’s license with your current address or two pieces of mail dated within the past 90 days with your current address, as well as a document showing your signature. The cost for a copy of a birth certificate is $25. Birth certificates are also available online, visit our website at www.voorheesnj.com and look for the “VitalChek” link. A credit card for payment is needed when using this option.

Voorhees processes about 15 marriage licenses a month. A marriage license application must be obtained in the municipality in which one of the parties resides and the license is valid throughout New Jersey. There is a 72-hour waiting period between the application and the issuance of the license. To get a marriage license, identification in the form of either a valid driver’s license, passport, birth certificate or state/federal ID is needed. Proof of residency and your social security number are needed as well as a witness at least 18 years old who can be a relative. A marriage license costs $28.

To obtain a death certificate simply prove your relationship to the deceased by showing your birth certificate or the obituary. There is a $10 fee for each death certificate.

The Voorhees Vital Statics Department is located in Town Hall at 2400 Voorhees Town Center and can be reached at (856) 429–4482. The office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Passport applications are available at the Camden County Store also located in the Voorhees Town Center on the second floor next to Boscov’s. For more information on getting or renewing a passport, visit www.camdencounty.com/government/county-store or call the County Store at (856) 566–2920 or 1–800–613–1199.

· Every Wednesday night through March is Family Movie Night at the Voorhees Town Center. On Feb. 22, enjoy a bite to eat while watching Disney’s Cinderella in the Food Court on the 16-foot screen. There will be a different movie every Wednesday. The movie begins at 6:30p.m. in the child friendly viewing area.

· We will be hosting “2017 Coffee With a Cop” on Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Dunkin Donuts on White Horse Road.


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