Mt. Laurel AARP Chapter 4003 will hold its first meeting of the new season on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 1 p.m. in the Mt. Laurel Community Center, 100 Mt. Laurel Road.
A representative from the AARP Fraud Watch Network will discuss identity theft, fraud and scams. Learn to avoid today’s scams and frauds while getting the tools you need to protect yourself. The speaker will share an inside look at how scammers think, how to safeguard against identity theft and what to do if you become a victim.
Membership renewals and new Chapter member applications will be accepted between 12:30 and 1 p.m. A program schedule for the season will be available, as well as, the chapter’s monthly newsletter. Trips, luncheons and special events will be announced throughout the season.
Donations of non-perishable food and personal items will be accepted for the Women’s Opportunity Center, a non-profit organization, at each meeting. The center helps women who have lost financial support through death, separation, divorce or disability of a spouse by holding computer, technology and life skill programs and workshops. Upon completion of the programs, women are placed in positions with potential for growth and self-sufficiency.
New members are always welcome. Bring a friend and attend your first meeting as a guest. For further membership information, call (856) 439–0995.