HomeNewsMoorestown NewsMoorestown Department of Parks and Rec Column: Become a Coach

Moorestown Department of Parks and Rec Column: Become a Coach

As we enjoy our first taste of summer, remember that fall is, but a blink away. The summer sun will suddenly cast long shadows and we will be scrambling to get ready for September. As I mentioned last week, Recreation Fall Programs are available for registration — and as you take the time to register your child, please consider registering yourself as a coach.

Every year, the Department of Parks & Recreation run programs that boast numbers such as 650 soccer players K-6, over 700 basketball players grades three to 12, and hundreds of children being active and learning the fundamentals, and the joy of playing. All of these programs — soccer, field hockey, basketball, volleyball and more — need adult volunteers to help mentor and coach these young people. What better way to spend time with your child than by coaching a sport they enjoy?

And folks, I don’t buy the excuse “I never played (insert sport here). I can’t coach.” You are reading the words of a woman who was a “sports novice” until high school. I played soccer for two recreation seasons, field hockey for one, swam for two and finally found a love of lacrosse, which I played for 10 years.

I have coached Recreation Soccer; I have helped to coach softball; I have coached basketball; and I have coached along-side many other parents who have no direct knowledge of these sports. And guess what? The kids always have fun. They always learn something and 99 percent of the time, so do we, the coaches. If you like sports, and like to watch your kids have fun the recreation sports leagues are a great place to do it.

What are the requirements for being a great coach in the Recreation Leagues? First, you must enjoy your kids. Second, you must be willing to stand on the field/court etc. and shout things like “Great job!” or “Almost! You’ll get it next time!” Third, you must have a little bit of patience and be willing to win and lose. Because that’s life, right? You win some; you lose some. You must have some sense of humor and the ability to look into a child’s eyes and know that you are having an impact on them.

So please, consider being a Recreation Volunteer Coach for any one of the fall sports your children play. Your time is valuable to the program, but more so, it is valuable to them. For more information about volunteering, coaching, fall programs or more, please visit our website at www.moorestownrec.com. Register today and enjoy the memories for a lifetime.


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