HomeNewsMoorestown NewsLetter to the Editor: Midterm elections are approaching

Letter to the Editor: Midterm elections are approaching

DiBlasio is voting for Andy Kim.

Midterm elections are approaching quickly. An extremely important vote is for the office of House of Representatives, NJLD 3.

I am dismayed by the partisanship lies and misrepresentations in modern political campaigning. A candidate should state what their goals are should they be elected. Ads regarding an opposition candidate should only show verifiable truth, not misleading statements and outright inaccuracies.

Congressman MacArthur is a person who deals in smear campaigns. His ads intimate that Andy Kim is a terrible candidate because he doesn’t pay his property taxes and has received an illegal tax rebate. Both of these statements are, quite plainly, lies. Mr. Kim does not own a home for which he would have to pay property taxes. He rents a home in Marlton and property taxes would be paid through his rent payment by his landlord. But Mr. MacArthur’s statement sounds so deliciously bad and scandalous, doesn’t it? Mr. Kim did erroneously receive a tax rebate on a townhouse that he owned in Washington, D.C. What did Mr. Kim do when he received this refund? He returned it to the issuing authority, immediately. Mr. MacArthur’s ads don’t tell you that, do they?

Mr. MacArthur also doesn’t tell the voters that he was responsible for the amendment to the legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act. That amendment would have eliminated protections for preexisting conditions which in turn benefited the insurance companies. He also was the only New Jersey Representative who voted for the severe restrictions to the state and local tax deduction. He claims that the SALT curtailment is made up by a more generous child care credit. But what happens to the thousands of us who do not qualify for or use the child care credit? We are left with less, less and less.

Mr. MacArthur engages in the half truths, innuendo and self-serving corporate interests.

Andy Kim wants to represent the people of New Jersey LD3 and push for what we deserve and need such as better and more affordable medical coverage, better schools, and better protections for women and marginalized groups.

Vote for Andy Kim Nov. 6 and vote for people, not corporate greed.

Ann DiBlasio


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