Officers will discuss tips and tricks on how to minimize being a “target.”

Medford Township invites you to join the Medford Senior Center on Sept. 28 from 2–3 p.m. in Cranberry Hall for the Medford Police Department’s presentation on protecting your personal and residential safety.
Officers will discuss tips and tricks on how to minimize being a “target” and will share some simple ideas that you can use when you are out and about or away on vacation. They will suggest tips to follow to increase home security and will provide a vacation checklist if your leaving your home for a few days, a week or longer.
The program will allow for time to answer any questions you might have.
The program is free and will be held at the Medford Senior Center in Cranberry Hall, which is behind the Medford Municipal Building at 17 North Main Street in Medford. Please sign-up for planning purposes at Cranberry Hall.
For for information email June Ramondetta at [email protected].