HomeNewsMarlton NewsDonors flock to Superfresh for Yellow Ribbon Club

Donors flock to Superfresh for Yellow Ribbon Club


Only an hour-and-a-half into their “support the troops” goodie drive on Saturday, the volunteers of the Yellow Ribbon Club had already received enough items from Superfresh shoppers in Marlton to fill five boxes.

Those boxes will be shipped overseas to the men and women serving in the armed forces, said David Silver, a member of the Yellow Ribbon Club.

“We’ve had shoppers come out and donate money as well as two to three items at a time,” Silver said. “Every bit counts. Our troops give us the freedom to be out here today, so it’s the least we can do.”

Club members handed out a list of items for shoppers going into the store that let them know of the needed items for the troops.

Shoppers leaving the store flocked to the booth set up in front of the store, donating simple items such as granola bars, candy bars, deodorant, and other items that are common here but hard to come by overseas.

Ceil Deegan of Marlton donated a bag of items and received a yellow ribbon from Leslie Drummond, the founder of the club.

“The troops deserve it. They absolutely deserve everything we can do,” Deegan said.

Kim Lyons, Superfresh store manager, said the store has been supporting these donation projects for the past five years. It’s important to support the local group because they do so much for the men and women serving in the armed forced, she said.

“This club is a big part of Marlton. We’re honored to have them out here today,” she said.

The Club will still be accepting donations today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Superfresh. Come out and do your shopping and buy a few items to support the troops.

The group has about 75 addresses to ship packages to and anywhere between 20 to 200 soldiers marked down to receive the items.

It’s the least local residents can do for the men and women defending the freedoms that everyone in America enjoys each day.

For additional information please call Leslie at 609–980–4175. The Super Fresh is located at 101 East Route 70 in Marlton.

Also, for a complete list of items needed please visit the group’s Web site at www.yellowribbonclub.org.


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