HomeNewsCherry Hill NewsSchool report — Giving back to the taxpayers

School report — Giving back to the taxpayers

Last year, our Board of Education budget discussions were painful exercises in which extenuating circumstances — specifically, the loss of $3.9 million in excess surplus and $8.5 million in state aid — forced us to make very difficult choices.

So rarely are we in a position where we have great choices to discuss in budget deliberations. This year, however, we found ourselves with a golden opportunity to give something back to the taxpayers.

On March 1, the Board approved a preliminary budget that lowers the local school tax levy by $500,000. The preliminary budget keeps current programs and services intact, restores four teaching positions that were reduced from last year’s budget, and adds several new teacher and educational assistant positions to meet state mandates and special education requirements.

Just two years ago the Board approved a budget that required no increase in the levy. In fact, the proposed 2011–12 levy is just 1.9 percent more than it was three years ago (2008–09). On an annualized basis, this represents an increase of less than half a percent. The proposed levy is $3.4 million below the state-mandated levy cap.

Over this same period, the school district has done a very good job of identifying efficiencies and reducing spending. Approximately 160 positions have been eliminated from the budget since 2008–09. Fiscal discipline, a good contract settlement, and a host of cost-cutting measures have allowed the district to preserve the programs and services that continue to support our high levels of student achievement.

An unexpected increase in state aid for next year certainly helped to make the reduced levy possible. Still, it’s important to remember that, for the current (2010–11) school year, state aid was slashed in half compared to the 2009–10 appropriation. Next year, the district will be receiving just $9.65 million in state aid — just 5.8 percent of the budget. This is nearly $7 million less than the 2009–2010 appropriation — and far, far below the $29 million we should be receiving according to the state’s own funding formula.

If you’d like to learn more about the 2011–12 budget proposal, please join board members and administrative representatives at one of the budget forums we’ve scheduled for parents and community members. The remaining dates are:

Monday, March 21 — Budget Conversation — community members and parents from all schools and all grade levels welcome, Malberg Administration Building, 45 Ranoldo Terrace, 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 13 — Budget Conversation — community members and parents from all schools and all grade levels welcome, Rosa International Middle School, 485 Browning Lane, 7 to 8:30 p.m.

The public hearing and final budget adoption will be held on Tuesday, March 29, at 7 p.m. This meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in the All Purpose Room of the Malberg Administration Building, but please check the Web site at www.chclc.org to confirm the location.

Seth Klukoff is the Cherry Hill Board of Education president.


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