Cherry Hill Township Council introduced its $64.7 million budget with no tax levy increase at last week’s meeting.
According to Mayor Chuck Cahn, this is the second consecutive year without an increase to taxpayers.
“Highlights of my proposed plan include a decreased debt service and the continued use of grant funding to help fund existing programs and services,” Cahn said. “My administration is also making strong investments in our future, including an $8.3 million capital improvement plan that will fund critical improvements to township roads, sewer infrastructure and public parks and recreational facilities.”
According to Cahn, the township is on “solid financial ground.” The township has a strong credit rating of Aa2 from Moody’s stemming from “a strong tax-collection rate.”
“My goal is to continue to keep taxes stable, make smart investments in our future and provide Cherry Hill residents with the best possible programs and services as we move forward,” Cahn said.
“Together with the mayor, council is committed to giving Cherry Hill residents a responsible and efficient government that keeps taxes stable while providing a high level of municipal service,” Council President David Fleisher said in a township release. “I look forward to working with the administration over the next several weeks to finalize the kind of fiscally responsible budget our residents deserve.”
According to Cahn, the full budget document will be available to view on the township website and in the municipal clerk’s office or at the Cherry Hill Library after Sept. 19.
A public hearing is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26, in the N. John Amato Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In other news:
• Council honored Dr. John O’Breza, former principal of Cherry Hill High School East, with a proclamation declaring Aug. 19 as Dr. John O’Breza Day.
O’Breza retired from his position in July after working as principal for the high school for the last 11 years.
According to the proclamation, since 1968, O’Breza has contributed to the education of Cherry Hill students, first as an English teacher at Cherry Hill High School West and Cherry Hill East, and later as assistant principal of West and East; and the faculty and staff of Cherry Hill’s schools dedicate their time and talent to the formation of knowledgeable, caring, responsible students with a lifelong passion for learning.
“In his 45 years with the Cherry Hill School District, Dr. O’Breza has served as a positive role model for thousands of Cherry Hill students and has helped to provide our youth with a quality education,” Cahn said.
• The township proclaimed its support for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over statewide crackdown.
According to the proclamation, the Cherry Hill Township Police Department will participate in this project, which began on Aug. 16 and will end on Sept. 2.
The department will increase impaired driving enforcement during this period with the hope of saving lives on Cherry Hill roadways.
For more information on the next meeting, visit www.cherryhill-nj.com.