HomeVoorhees NewsMayor's Message: No Shave November

Mayor’s Message: No Shave November

Members of the Voorhees Township Police Department will be participating in 'No Shave November' next month

Beginning this week, you may notice members of our Voorhees Township Police Department looking a little scruffy. This is the fifth year they are participating in “No Shave November,” also known as Noshember and Movember. No-Shave November is a month-long journey during which participants forego shaving and grooming in order to raise awareness and money to fight cancer.

This movement began in 2004 in a pub in Melbourne, Australia when 30 men grew a moustache for 30 days in order to raise awareness for prostate cancer and depression in men. This group would later become the Movember Foundation charity.

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The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness of cancer issues by embracing one’s hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Officers that participate donate the money they would have spent during the month on shaving and grooming. Their money is matched by the Police Officers Union and the funds are donated to non-profit organizations to educate about cancer prevention and aid those fighting the battle.

Movember has raised over $600 million worldwide since 2004, also gaining millions of followers. This movement started in in the United States in 2007 with a goal of growing awareness of men’s health and, to date, No-shave.org has raised over $10 million for the American Cancer Society.

Noshember may result in “hairy situations” for anyone who comes in contact with our officers. But the month is for the greater good as each participating officer will be donating to cancer causes. Noshember has resulted in over $12,000 raised by our Police Department to battle cancer.

This year, the Police Department will also take part in “Don’t Shave December” where collected funds will be donated to another worthy cause.

I continue to be proud of the passion and dedication of our men and women in blue in keeping our families safe while on duty. I am just as proud of their commitment to our community while off duty.


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