HomeBerlin Letters & OpinionsEditorial: Time to vote

Editorial: Time to vote

Cast your ballot to weigh in on Election Day

It is time to choose your leaders – locally, regionally and nationally. Tuesday is Election Day, a day that belongs to the American people, giving them the opportunity to do something many people around the world do not: Get out and vote. Or, for most of us this year, cast a Vote-By-Mail ballot.

In case you haven’t noticed, political debate is running a bit hot these days. For some, the higher than usual temperatures are inspiration to show up at the polls. But for others, all of the yelling could be off-putting, and they might decide to just check out and not exercise their right to vote.

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While that feeling is somewhat understandable, it also would be a mistake to give up your voice in how our government is run. America needs a thoughtful, informed electorate now more than ever.

Fortunately, getting informed is easier these days than ever before. Information is readily accessible. Voters can check out websites and social media accounts managed by the candidates themselves. They can search for information provided by sources not affiliated with any campaign. They can submit questions to candidates. They can discuss issues among themselves, not only at the office “water cooler,” but also online. Learning about the candidates and the issues isn’t like climbing a really tall mountain anymore.

Then it’s just a matter of casting your ballot – whether Vote-by-Mail ballots or a provisional ballot at your local polling location – and doing your civic duty.

So, first, get informed about the candidates and their positions on issues important to you. Then, second, be sure to vote. There are important and possibly close contests on the ballot. Let your voice be heard.


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