HomeHaddonfield Letters & OpinionsLetter to the Editor: Nancy Sullivan

Letter to the Editor: Nancy Sullivan

Resident addresses the Class of 2024

Dear Editor,
To the inspiring Haddonfield Memorial High School Class of 2024,

As you reflect on your accomplishments, it’s important to recognize the incredible resilience and strength you have shown. Despite beginning your high school journey amidst a global pandemic, many of you have triumphed over personal challenges, from overcoming illness and sports injuries to coping with the loss of a parent.

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Additionally, it’s disheartening that some of you have encountered prejudice simply for being your authentic self. However, amidst these trials, I have witnessed a remarkable sense of unity and support among your classmates, which is truly extraordinary.

The faculty has repeatedly expressed their admiration for your class and have high hopes for your future endeavors. I am excited to see the great things you will achieve.

Stay happy.
Nancy Sullivan



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