Community Chanukah Celebrations with Chabad
From Thursday, Dec. 7 through Friday, Dec. 15, the Chabad of Camden and Burlington Counties will be holding its annual menorah lightings in the following locations:
- 18’ Menorah Lighting at the Barclay Farms Shopping Center in Cherry Hill along with a Car Menorah Parade,
- Medford Chanukah Village Walk,
- Hainesport,
- Moorestown,
- Haddonfield,
- Collingswood,
- Florence, NJ Chanukah Events
In the face of hate, divisiveness, and anti-Semitism, Chabad broadens its community-wide Chanukah programs to bring its community together in unity and positivity.
Chabad of Camden and Burlington Counties invites the entire community to celebrate the Festival of Lights at our public Menorah lighting ceremonies and community Chanukah celebrations.
The planned events include an exciting Car Menorah Parade through Cherry Hill, an 18′ Menorah Lighting Extravaganza at the Barclay Shopping Center, the first-ever Hainesport Community Menorah lighting, Medford Chanukah Village Walk, various events by the newly established Chabad of Florence, and lightings in Moorestown, Haddonfield, and Collingswood. Chanukah will shine more than ever!
Chanukah propagates the universal message that ultimately good will prevail over evil, freedom over oppression and light over darkness.
“Especially in times like this, when there is so much divisiveness, hate, and evil in the world, we most turn the tide and spread positivity, community, unity, love, and light,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, director of Chabad of Camden and Burlington Counties.
“The Chanukah lights envelope us with warmth, joy, strength and inspiration,” he added. “Such is the purpose of the many community-wide celebrations organized by Chabad and held in various locations throughout the Chanukah Holiday.”
“Despite some hateful acts perpetrated on the streets of our neighborhood, which might make some people cower in fear, we stand tall and continue spreading acts of goodness and kindness,” the rabbi continued. “Not only do we not diminish our activities, we’ve added a new Menorah lighting in our area- the first Hainesport Township Menorah Lighting.”
Public dignitaries and community leaders will attend the ceremonies and will assist in kindling the giant “Menorahs of Light”.
Join Chabad in a public display of unity at one of many exciting Menorah Kindling Ceremonies taking place in the South Jersey area. Bring the children and make this your special family Chanukah celebration. We are looking forward to your participation! Event links, sponsorship opportunities, and information can be found at www.TheChabadCenter.org/Chanukah23 or in the list below.
Chabad Chanukah Event Homepage: www.TheChabadCenter.org/Chanukah23
Thursday, December 7, 5:00pm
Medford Chanukah Village Walk
Enjoy an enriching holiday experience for the whole family
as Main Street Medford celebrates Chanukah.
Stop by local vendors for exciting Chanukah Festivities.
7 p.m. – Grand Menorah Lighting at the Corner of Main Street & Allen Ave, Medford, NJ
Thursday, December 7, 6 p.m.
First Ever Hainesport Township Chanukah Celebration & Menorah Lighting
Hainesport Township Complex – 1401 Marne Highway, Hainesport
Followed by festivities with Music, Latkes and Donuts, and Chanukah Cheer
www.TheChabadCenter.org/ Hainesport
Saturday, December 9, 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Chanukah on Ice Skating Party with Latkes, Donuts, crafts m, and family fun!
at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees
601 Laurel Oak Road, Voorhees
Sunday, December 10, 3:00pm
Chabad Car Menorah Parade
Parade through town with a car-top Menorah- bringing safe and fun holiday cheer to the streets of Cherry Hill! Perfect holiday family activity! • Giant Menorah Music Truck • Fire Trucks • CHPD and Fire Police • Unlimited Chanukah Spirit!
Starting at the Chabad Center in Cherry Hill, 1925 Kresson Road: line-up 3 p.m., departure 4 p.m., arrival at Barclay Farms Shopping Center or a Grand Menorah Lighting celebration- open to all
Parade Spots Limited- Must Reserve
Sunday, December 10, 5 p.m.
Barclay Shopping Center 18′ Giant Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Celebration
Barclay Farms Shopping Center, Cherry Hill
Donuts, Latkes, Dreidels, Music, Giveaways, Entertainment and Fun for the Whole Family
Monday, December 11, 6 p.m.
Haddonfield Menorah Lighting
Library Point – (60 N. Haddon Ave. Haddonfield, NJ)
Followed by festivities with Music, Latkes and Donuts, and Chanukah Cheer
Wednesday, December 13, 6 p.m.
Collingswood Menorah Lighting
Lumberyard Garden Collingswood
Followed by festivities with Music, Latkes and Donuts, and Chanukah Cheer
Thursday, December 14, 6 p.m.
Moorestown Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Celebration
Moorestown Community House – 16 E. Main Street, Moorestown
Followed by festivities with Music, Latkes and Donuts, and Chanukah Cheer
Look out for more events and additional information at www.TheChabadCenter.org/Chanukah23
Reach the Chabad Center by phone at 856-874-1500 or email [email protected]