Shamong board of ed: Five vie for two seats

Two, three-year-term seats are available on the Shamong board of education in the general election on Nov. 7. There are five candidates, including two incumbents.

Candidates Timothy McGarvey and Renee Collins did not return the Sun’s election questionnaire before press time.

Name: Anne Ehrke

Age: 46

How many years have you lived in Shamong? 19

Married? Children? Grandchildren? My husband and I reside in Shamong with our three daughters ages 16, 15, and 11.

School and degree: Bachelor’s degree in Spanish, Rutgers University, master’s degree in teaching, Marygrove College and master’s in educational administration from Rider University.

Profession: Middle school Spanish teacher of 24 years

Elected Office: I am finishing my second three-year term on the Shamong Township BOE.

Community involvement: I am a member of the HSA. I have served on both a school level and a district level Parent Advisory Group.

Why are you running for an elected seat?

I want to ensure that all students in Shamong, present and future, continue to receive the best education possible. That means ensuring our administration sets goals and create initiatives that meet the needs of all students and does so with transparency and in partnership with all stakeholders. This will enable students to be successful as they move beyond our district and ensure they are prepared academically and socially for high school and beyond. High performing schools also benefit all community members, not just those with children, as there is a direct correlation between good schools and increased home values.

What is one area you would like to concentrate on if elected?

I would like to continue to strengthen the partnership between home, school and community as it helps to foster transparency and open communication. This in turn creates a solid foundation for a culture of mutual respect and trust between the district who are the educational experts and the parents who are the experts on their children.

Name: Mary Kathryn “MK” O’Brien

Age: 48

How long have you lived in Shamong? 11 years.

Married? Children? Grandchildren? I am married for 16 years and have two children, 13 and 10.

School and degree: Bachelor’s degree in finance from University of Scranton.

Profession: I work in the financial services industry. I am with my current employer for 15 years.

Community involvement: I am an active member of the Indian Mills Home and School Association. I am currently the room mom for my daughter’s fourth grade class and part of the eighth-grade parent committee for my son. I am a member of the Seneca Youth Cheerleading Board and a coach for the Junior Competition Team.  

O’Brien is seeking her first elected seat on the board.

Why are you running for an elected seat?

I have two children in the district, so I have a vested interest in how the board conducts business. We have many members of the board who no longer have children in the school district making decisions. It is essential to ensure parents’ interests are represented to ensure our children are getting the best education available with the values that are important to our parents in this community.

What is one area you would like to concentrate on if elected?

Collaboration and accountability. Over the last several years, approaching obstacles that arose with better communication and a collaborative approach would have alleviated many of the frustrations parents experienced. The parents, board, and administration are responsible for giving our children the best chance at an excellent education, which starts with working together. I would foster a better working relationship between parents and the administration that has been stranded in recent years. Many parents in Shamong feel they are being ignored. Board members must hold the administration accountable for listening and collaborating with parents. 

Name: Melissa (Missy) Ciliberti

Age: 55

How many years have you lived in Shamong? 25

Married? Children? Grandchildren? Married with two children who attended the Shamong School District, Sydney age 23 and a recent graduate from Rutgers University and Christian age 17 is a senior at Seneca High School.

School and degree: I graduated from Drexel University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

Profession: Owner of a medical recruiting company.

Community involvement: My family has always been heavily involved in the community, volunteering for the IMAA (sports organization), limitless golf outings, community cleanups and fundraisers, Lord of Life Lutheran church, as well as serving on the boards of the IMAA, the Shamong Foundation for Educational Excellence, the Seneca Parent Group and the BLE.

Elected Office: I have been on the BOE for almost 15 years and been board president for most of them.

Why are you running for an elected seat?

As an enthusiastic team player, I am interested in continuing to fortify our district’s education to remain competitive and prepared for the next level. Our district does an outstanding job of providing a robust curriculum at all levels of learning while providing the tools for students to succeed and excel. I want to continue to support our stakeholders in this small, unique community to ensure continued mutual success. I look forward to the personal reward of the hard work behind the scenes playing out in the classrooms. In our district it’s not just a job, it’s a way of life.

What is one area you would like to concentrate on if elected?

My vision for our schools going forward is to continue thinking outside of the box to provide a full educational experience despite financial challenges. To continue offering a rigorous and appropriate curriculum complete with art, music, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), extracurriculars and educational grants from the Foundation. This includes continued professional development for staff, administration and board members, security and safety measures as well as investment in our immaculate buildings and grounds. None of these things can happen without fostering parent and community relationships as these are the collaborations that ensure continued success and pride in our district.


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