Dear Community Friends,
We ask that you please continue to pray for Israel, and the hundreds who have lost their lives in the recent conflict between the Palestinian militant groups led by Hamas. Please pray for all the innocent, the hostages, and our United States soldiers being deployed, etc. Please support our friends and family within the community and around the country who are impacted in some way by this horrific war, and pray for the protection of those on American soil during these turbulent times.
At our Township Committee Meeting on Monday, Oct.16, Committeeman John Legge presented resident and breast cancer survivor, Josie Ladd with a proclamation declaring October 2023 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Josie has openly discussed her battle with cancer in an effort to educate others and bring awareness to this terrible disease. We are grateful for Josie’s efforts and thank her from the bottom of our hearts.
In other business at Monday’s meeting, I was honored to swear-in newly minted Corporal, Adam Hasselman of the Mantua Township Police Department in-front of his family and colleagues. We congratulate Corporal Hasselman on his promotion, and wish him much success in his new supervisory role with our P.D.
We approved several resolutions at this past Monday’s meeting accepting grant monies to help off-set costs and reduce taxpayer expenses. We accepted a grant for $10,000.00 from the County of Gloucester for funding the Municipal Alliance Program which has a goal of reducing drug and alcohol abuse in communities. We accepted a State Funded Grant in the amount of $4,480.00 for the 2023 Drive Sober – Get Pulled Over program that will pay for our police officers salaries to work this DWI program initiative. We approved a 2023 Bullet Proof Vest Grant of $3,112.50 to offset the costs of bullet proof vests for our police officers. We approved the 2023 Clean Communities Grant in the amount of $37,297.65 and a Stormwater Assistance Grant in the amount of $15,000.00 which both create additional savings for this year’s annual budget.
Lastly, we passed a resolution on Monday approving a shared service agreement with the Borough of Glassboro for our chief finance officer / qualified purchasing agent services. This agreement has created a part-time position for our township, instead of a full-time position, and will continue to save significant tax dollars with regard to both employee salary and benefits.
Community interaction and building relationships with all residents within our community is paramount and an integral part of our township committee’s main goals. I just thought that I’d mention a couple very gratifying interactions that I recently experienced with community members.
I stopped by to introduce myself to a new resident, Deon Weekes. She just purchased a home in Mantua, and now resides here with her young daughter and her mother. Ms. Weekes’ family welcomed me into their home with open arms. We chatted for almost an hour and took photos. The family is from out-of-state and knew nothing about Mantua Township. They love our small town atmosphere and Ms. Weekes’ daughter is flourishing in our local school system. It was so gratifying for me to be able to personally greet a new resident, and to be honest, they seemed amazed that a mayor would actually stop-by their home to welcome them as a new resident.
We received a very generous and kind letter of thanks from long-time residents, Richard and Ellen Bellamente. The Bellamente’s were complimentary of the recent micro surfacing of the roadway in their development, and thanked our township committee and the public works department for this recently completed road project.
I didn’t know about the Bellamentes until the other day. I stopped by to introduce myself, and to thank them for the wonderful letter that they sent. Mr. Bellamente welcomed me into his home, and we chatted for well-over an hour. All I can say is Mr. Bellamente is probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I am thrilled to now call him my friend.
These are just a few examples of why we serve as elected representatives of our great community. Our entire township committee experiences these same rewarding interactions while helping others, creating bonds and building a better place for all of us to live, play and raise our families.
Upcoming township meetings and events:
- Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. will be a senior dinner hosted at the Community Center on E. Mercer Avenue. Please make reservations by calling Pam in our Clerk’s Office at 468-1500, Ex. 113.
- Thursday, Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. is the next Veterans Commission Meeting at the township municipal building.
- Friday, Oct, 27 is the last day for green carts to be picked-up (dumped) by our public works department.
- Saturday, Oct. 28 is the next Convenience Center Drop Off at our public works facility between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
- Monday, Oct. 30 our Fall Leaf Pick-up Begins (place curbside – no bags).
- Halloween will be celebrated on Tuesday, Oct. 31 and trick-or-treat hours will be from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. Curfew on 10/30 and 10/31 is 8:00 p.m.
Have a great week, and let’s go Fightin Phils.
On behalf of Deputy Mayor Pete Scirrotto and myself, and the entire township committee – we look forward to continuing our service with honesty, integrity and trustful leadership.
Mayor Robert T. Zimmerman, MAS