Art for a hero’s sake

Arts commission will help guests produce holiday cards for deployed troops

The Voorhees Arts Commission will host Healing Art for a Hero’s Heart, an opportunity to create holiday cards for deployed soldiers, on Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Voorhees Town Center.

The VAC is again holding the meaningful family event again after a successful 2022 gathering. Attendees will paint and write holiday greeting cards for men and women deployed around the world during the holiday season.

“We invite all who attend to write their home address for mailing so the soldiers can see how far the card traveled for them,” said Amy Bash, a military spouse and artist with the Voorhees Arts Center and Gallery.

Bash is responsible for organizing and starting Healing Art for a Hero’s heart, inspired by the holidays she was forced to spend away from her husband while he served overseas. Bash’s husband Daniel is an Army Reserve lieutenant colonel who was most recently deployed to Kuwait.

Bash will guide guests as they paint the greeting cards and write a cheerful note inside. She will also create demonstration cards with examples.

“These hand-painted cards and special messages mean so much to soldiers away from home during the holidays,” she said.

The cards must be created early so troops receive them in time for the holidays. The VAC will mail all of them directly to deployed soldiers.

“To me, this project is very important and … very gratifying,” Bash noted. “… What we strive for is to remind our soldiers that they are thought of, that we’re grateful and we’re praying (for them).”

Hoagies and light refreshments will be served for lunch and the Tri-State Canine Response Team will be on hand. An RSVP is necessary for total head count. 

Registration link is included:


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